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Erasmus Credit Mobility KA171

Recognizing the importance of the extra-European international dimension, especially in higher education, Erasmus+ as of 2015 also offers opportunities for individuals to study, work or teach in other parts of the world. It also makes the same opportunities available for students from these areas to come to study in ECHE holding higher education institutions in Europe.

International Credit Mobility is an activity under Key Action 1 (KA171). An institution in a Partner Country/Third countries associated to the Programme can send its students and/or staff to a partner institution in a Programme Country and vice versa. Students can study abroad and may benefit from an Erasmus+ grant to help with living costs. Staff can perform teaching and/or training abroad, and they may also benefit from an Erasmus+ grant.

Partner Institution:
  1. Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Ukraine
  2. Honam University, Korea
  3. University of Pretoria, South Africa

Projekt period: 01/08/2023 – 31/07/2025

Partner Institution:
  1. Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education
Projekt period: 01/08/2022 – 31/07/2024
Partner Institution:
  1. Union Theological Seminary
Projekt period: 01/08/2020 – 31/07/2020
Partner Institution:
  1. Trasncarpathian Hungarian Institue Ferenc Rakoczi II
Projekt period: 01/06/2016 – 31/05/2016

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