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Application steps

Erasmus+ programme provides opportunities for teaching or exchange of know-how for administrative staff of university. University staff member interested in teaching or staff training mobility at our university should:

  1. contact the respective Erasmus+ coordinator at UJS faculty,

  2. discuss the content and period of Erasmus+ mobility at UJS,

  3. send the following documents to the faculty Erasmus+ coordinator for signature (see UJS Erasmus+ Factsheet) and in copy to Erasmus+ Office (contact below

  4. Mobility Agreement for Teaching (in case of teaching, only for colleagues from our Erasmus+ partner universities – see our partners on

  5. Mobility Agreement for Training (in case of staff training, i.e. workshops, training, job-shadowing, also colleagues outside our partner universities can apply).

After signing the Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement, faculty coordinator sends it back as a scan to foreign staff member and in copy to Erasmus+ Office. Based on the request, Erasmus+ Office can book the accommodation in Komárno for foreign staff member for the whole period of his mobility. At the end of mobility, foreign staff member is given the Certificate of Mobility from the institutional Erasmus+ coordinator.


Foreign staff member should send his Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement for Teaching or for Staff Training to us as soon as possible, at least 2 weeks before the intended arrival to Komárno.



Erasmus+ Office

J. Selye University

Bratislavská 3322

945 01 Komárno

Slovak Republic


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