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The fort of Komárno is the largest bastion fortification in Central Europe. It is a historic monument of European significance and also a national cultural monument. For more information you should visit the website:

Officer’s pavilion – Originally the building served as a set of officers’ housing for officer’s imperial and royal army and their families. The bridge located in the courtyard symbolizes the collaboration of Komárno and the hungarian Komárom. There is also a bust of John Selye in the courtyard.

Hungarian culture museum – Former palace of culture, built in 1913 in late romantic style.

The Courtyard of Europe is the name of a unique construction project. They implemented to build historic architecture typical for the individual regions of Europe in a styled form. Just imagine a square with many cute houses built in different styles. In this project, various architectural elements of different European countries are put together in such way that they create a colorful and original unity.

The Komárno Thermal Swimming-pool lies in the centre of the town and is packed full of water attractions and opportunities for having fun and relaxing. The thermal swimming-pool in Komárno has two active thermal springs with water temperature of 37 °C. These mineral waters have healing effects on joints, rheumatic and gynaecological illnesses and are also suitable for leisure purposes.

In the town there is situated: hotels, pensions, private accommodations, restaurants, pubs shopping malls, theater and various shops in the town.

The water sports area and boathouse is on the dead arm of the Váh.

Around the Dead Arm there are camping opportunities, everywhere are gazebos, benches, fireplaces. On the sandy beach you can play volleyball or football. It is a great place if you want to spend your free time in the nature.

For more information you should visit the website:

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